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► Plug & play solution
► Ideal for small series and medium series
► Open system that works with all interfaces, vices, pallets and zero point systems
► Applicability with virtually all CNC machining centres
► Simple CNC operation that allows free movement
► High carrying capacity of the manipulator
► Free access to the automated machine for manual operation
► Modifiable design of the magazine with high capacity
► Viceloader's mobility owing to its integrated wheels
► Front and lateral machine loading option
► Attractive price with quick recovery of costs
► 100% Czech product

...why invest money in an automation system

► 1. Viceloader reduces wage costs
We have to face the increasing salary demands of employees on a daily basis. In order to be able to compete, countries where the wage costs are much lower and where employers need not adhere to any working hour rules or occupational safety principles, we are forced to seek methods to make our work better, quicker and more efficient. When using the Viceloader automation system, one employee can operate more machines simultaneously to increase the efficiency of utilisation of your machinery, and therefore reduce the direct wage costs for each finished workpiece. The costs necessary for one employee to be capable of making a constant amount of sub-operations are higher than the actual acquisition of the automation system, even if the initial investment for the purchase of this automation technology is taken into account.
► 2. Viceloader cuts down production expenses and is ecological
Most of the production processes are automated today, but there are numerous companies that must accept long downtimes in the production process when they wait for the operator to take out the finished workpiece from the machine and start the production of the next one. The Viceloader automation system works for whole shift in the same takt time and the identical quality. The time necessary to exchange the workpiece can be greatly eliminated by the mere use of Viceloader. If you do not use production process automation you cut down your capabilities, losing your chance to reduce production costs. Viceloader is ecological; it can be programmed to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It needs no light, heating or air-conditioning for its operation. As a result, it cuts down further costs. Viceloader needs no pauses for smoking or lunch, it always works efficiently and its energy consumption is optimal. All it needs is an initial investment for the acquisition of this automation technology
► 3. Viceloader increases productivity and production capacity
Short production interruptions are inevitable when the workpiece is loaded manually. Operators are disturbed in their work, they are in charge of other tasks, they need a break from time to time being exposed to fatigue during shifts, and their performances gets worse - all of this results in the inactive status of the machinery. Viceloader can work 24/7, including breaks and shift exchange periods. This will help you generate extra performance, because the machine times will not depend on official operation hours; this will increase your capabilities and you will get a chance to process higher amount of contracts. Viceloader will also accelerate the machine efficiency by eliminating production interruptions as it is quicker than the operator. You will be able to increase machine efficiency even during the common operation time. The lean production establishment is essential to increase efficiency.
► 4. Viceloader makes work more interesting
It is very difficult to obtain and keep experienced staff today. This lack of workers encounters the inquiry of engineering companies. All of this forces the employer to deal with the situation alternatively. Even qualified employees frequently spend their working hours doing inadequate work, e.g. handling the workpieces, bringing them in, etc. Your employees will love Viceloader; it will make their job more interesting, and they will get the opportunity to concentrate on the work with higher added value. Thanks to the automation of certain work and procedures, it is possible to utilise the capabilities and potential of your employees in a better manner
► 5. No specialists for robotics are needed
Viceloader is also a user-friendly solution. To work with Viceloader in a full-featured manner, you need not seek and employ any robotics specialists. Setting the Viceloader for a new job will take no more than several minutes. Viceloader can work with a selection of various products. Viceloader is flexible to such an extent that it can also be used for small-lot contracts.
► 6. Viceloader is affordable
Each manufacturer must face the same problems pertaining to the return rate of investments. Viceloader is an affordable solution. The acquisition of Viceloader needs not be linked to one specific long-term contract that will recover the acquisition financially. Should you need to get a notion of the price for the Viceloader automation system, inspect the price list or feel free to contact us.
► 7. Viceloader will improve the quality and stability of production
As soon as Viceloader has been programmed and set for the specific job, it performs this job in a stable and precise manner without any variations. Each movement is performed with high precision and repeatability. These features will ensure stable production in the given period of time.
► 8. Viceloader features the quickest return on investment in the automation industry
The full utilisation of production capabilities and reduction of production and wage costs are vital. The Viceloader automation system is capable of working on its own. By doing so it gives our employees time to devote to more qualified work, such as measuring the finished workpieces, setting up different machines, preparation of further operations, etc. Viceloader is fully integrated to the CNC centre, it controls the CNC centre on its own, and it needs no further servicing. The application of Viceloader is convenient for smaller-sized and medium-sized establishments as well.
► 9. Viceloader improves occupational safety
Thanks to the fact that Viceloader performs the operator's physical labour, these employees are transferred to the position of Inspector - they do not need to handle the workpieces and load them into the CNC centres themselves. Viceloader therefore protects employees from injuries that may occur when heavier or shapeless workpieces are loaded. As a result, your employees will virtually not get into direct contact with chips, emulsion, and so on.
► 10. Viceloader helps retain the jobs
It will improve the work efficiency of your employees, making your company more competitive as a result; it will be capable of utilising its production capabilities in a better manner, preventing the efflux of interesting production projects into low-cost countries. Owing to the automation, employees can stay in our country without needing to move into production in countries with lower wage costs.

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Viceloader team.
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